
About Faculty of Technical Sciences

Faculty of Technical Sciences originates from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering which was established by the Decree of the National Assembly of People’s Republic of Serbia on 18th May 1960 as a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Novi Sad and it was a constituent part of the University of Belgrade. After the founding of the University of Novi Sad on 28th June 1960, the Faculty along with six previously established faculties in Vojvodina was regarded as a part of the University of Novi Sad.

In the first period of its development the Faculty provided educational activities for three different profiles of mechanical engineering. In 1971 electrical and civil engineering studies were founded. Establishment of the Department of Electrical Engineering as well as the Department of Civil Engineering brought about the change of its name into the Faculty of Technical Sciences on 22nd April 1974. In 1979/80 academic year started the studies in the area of traffic engineering, and in 1996/97 the first generation of students of architectural engineering was enrolled. In academic year 1999/2000 several different studies for the new professional profile were introduced: Industrial Engineering and Management, Graphic Engineering and Design, and Environmental Engineering.

Study programme for Postal Services and Telecommunications were introduced at the Department for Traffic Engineering in 1999/2000. Interdisciplinary studies of Mechatronics were established in 2002/03 academic year. In 2006/07 academic year the first generation of students of specialist academic studies was enrolled at the Faculty (according to the Law on Higher Education) and the studies of Geodesy and Geomatics engineering were introduced into the educational activities of the Faculty in 2007/08 academic year. Furthermore, in 2009/2010 the studies of Safety at Work were established at the Department of Environmental Engineering as well as the undergraduate professional programme at the Department of Power Engineering – Renewable Energy Sources. In 2011/2012 academic year the following studies were established: Risk and Fire Protection Management, Animation in Engineering as well as undergraduate professional studies Software and Information Technology at the Faculty Department in Inđija; the same study programme was also introduced at the Faculty Department in Loznica in 2012/2013 academic year. In 2013/2014 academic year the following study programmes will be established: Biomedical Engineering, Measurement and Control, Clean Energy Technologies, Stage Architecture, Engineering and Design, Electric Power Software Engineering, Software Engineering and Information Technology in Novi Sad as well as at the Faculty Department in Loznica and undergraduate professional studies within the study programme of Electronics and Telecommunication.

Master studies are organized at all study programmes after finishing undergraduate academic studies as well as at study programmes: Mathematics in Engineering; Energy Management; Logistic Engineering, Digital Technology, Design and Production of Architecture and Urban Planning, Industrial Engineering – Advanced Engineering Technology, Industrial Engineering – Development and Product Lifecycle Management, Planning and Management of Regional Development as well as Treatment and Water Protection (TEMPUS programme) which rounds off the educational activities of the Faculty. Faculty of Technical Sciences offers a very prominent educational profile for prospective engineers, which ranks it among the most developed institutions in the field of technology in our country.